
Moni pierde a sus padres en un accidente. La tristeza que siente no se alivia con el tiempo, sino que parece aumentar. Su tía le dice que debe seguir con su vida, pero Moni se aferra al recuerdo de sus padres. Un día, ellos la visitan y le dicen que hay una manera de volver a estar juntos. El problema es que no es tan fácil. Moni deberá demostrar si su anhelo es realmente tan fuerte como piensa.


Moni lost her parents in an accident. The sadness she felt was not relieved with time, actually it increased day after day. Her aunt asked her to go on with her life but Moni did not listen to her and kept hanging to her sad memories instead…. One day she got a visit, it was her parents! They told her: “there is a way to get back together”. There’s only one problem; it’s not that “easy”, so now Moni will show us her desire is real.